Reds team up with CEOP Millions of children across the UK have access to the internet. It is now central to how they stay in touch with their friends and family. However, the internet is also a public place and while bringing many benefits and opportunities, it also opens up new risks and challenges.

That’s why Manchester United has teamed up with the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre.

CEOP is part of the UK police, set up to tackle the sexual exploitation of children. The CEOP Centre aims to educate children, young people, their parents, carers and fans to understand the risks they may face online and what they can do to empower themselves to stay safe. They also track, locate and hold child sexual offenders to account.

Football uses the internet to communicate to coaches, referees, scouts, medics, agents, young leaders, players, parents and fans. All parties can help to ensure the technology is used appropriately by working with the CEOP Centre's education programme Thinkuknow.

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